8 Effective Ways To Combat Stress While Working From Home

We all experience stress in some form or the other. Stress is something that is quite frankly unavoidable in our day to day lives, and it can have a detrimental effect on our bodies and our minds.

Work stress, for example, is one of the main factors affecting employee productivity and the success of organizations. It can negatively affect employee health and cause many health problems. As such, employers have to ensure that all measures are taken to combat stress in their workplaces, such as introducing corporate wellness programs and employee assistance programs.

Now especially, with the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, stress levels have increased drastically among people of all demographics due to factors like unemployment, health uncertainty, and so on.

Let’s take the case of the people working from home. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have resorted to working from their homes to keep their businesses running smoothly. Despite sounding like a dream job, working from home can cause a lot of unwanted stress.

Besides being socially isolated, distractions like family members and pets, and a lack of structure are the key reasons why working from home is more stressful than we assume. As such, we must learn how to manage stress in such conditions to avoid any of its ill effects.

Here are eight effective ways to combat and reduce stress while working from home

Create a schedule

Set a daily schedule regarding your work hours and abide by it religiously. For example, if you are a corporate employee and worked from 9 to 5 before the lockdown, work in the same way. Wake up, get ready, have breakfast, and start working like you would do under normal circumstances. By doing so, you can stay motivated and productive, all the while finding time for yourself and your family.

Also, keep away from social media while you are working and set boundaries to prevent such distractions.

Prioritize your tasks

Due to heavy workloads and a lack of structure, working from home can cause a great deal of confusion regarding your tasks and ultimately lead to stress. Hence, you must prioritize your tasks and tackle them accordingly.

By prioritizing your tasks according to difficulty and breaking them down into smaller tasks, you will be able to complete them more efficiently and effectively. Moreover, mapping them out and completing them will give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction and get you motivated for the next task at hand.

Exercise regularly

Physical exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress. But, being physically active can be quite challenging without the freedom to go out and go to gyms and parks. However, with proper discipline, dedication, and know-how, you can be physically active even while staying at home.

There are many home-exercises that you can do in your room to stay fit. Yoga can be done easily at home, and it is instrumental in reducing stress and keeping one fit.

Also, avoid staying affixed to your chair or your sofa throughout the day and make it a point to get up and stretch now and then.

Eat well

Proper nutrition is crucial when it comes to preventing stress and staying healthy. However, it is usually neglected and more so in times like these when resources are scarce. But it is still possible to eat healthy, only if you make the right decisions and know what to eat.

For example, eating processed foods that are high in sugar and unhealthy fats can increase stress dramatically and cause many other health problems. Whereas natural foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, can significantly benefit our bodies and reduce stress.

Also, eating foods like green leafy vegetables, berries, and turmeric can boost your immune system to prevent infectious diseases like COVID-19.

Take breaks

Sitting for long hours in front of your laptops when working from home can cause stress and decrease productivity. It can also cause back and neck pain, which will ultimately lead to more stress.

To combat this, take short 5-minute breaks now and then to refresh your mind and reduce mental clutter. Take a walk, grab a healthy snack, listen to a song, or do anything you like to recharge your brain and get your productive juices flowing again.


Working from home can cause a sense of loneliness and isolation and seriously affect your productivity and mental health. As such, you must communicate with your co-workers and stay connected at all times.

Also, it is vital to take out time for your social life as well. Get in touch with your friends and family through social media platforms, text chats, or calls. Doing so can help you feel better and get rid of unwanted harmful stress.

Practice Mindfulness

Meditation is one of the most popular and effective ways of reducing stress. Those who meditate are healthier, happier, and more satisfied with their lives than people who don’t. And in grim times like the ones we are in, practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation can help us stay away from stress and be more prepared to tackle obstacles.

Make it a point to practice mindfulness every day. Do breathing exercises and meditation to rid yourself of any stress and anxiety that you may face while working from home.

Get Adequate Sleep

Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of our bodies and our brains. A lack of sleep can cause many health problems, such as anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, and even premature death.

Working-from-home, especially at night, can alter your sleep pattern and prevent you from getting good quality sleep. To avoid this, make sure you finish your work during the day and turn off your laptop or computer at least 3 hours before going to bed. Ensure at least 8 hours of sleep every night as doing so can significantly reduce stress and increase your productivity. Check out Medcline’s therapeutic body pillows for a good night’s sleep.

Final Words

Working from home can be a pleasant experience but also an unpleasant one due to high levels of stress. Therefore, you must take proper measures to keep stress at bay and stay healthy. Doing so can help you stay productive and make your work-from-home experience a great one.


About the author

This article was written by Shah Alif Ahmed. He is a content marketer and health expert at Vantage Fit, an all-in-one corporate wellness platform by Vantage Circle. He is also an internationally certified nutrition specialist and a competitive bodybuilder, having won numerous national and state-level awards.


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