Even More Reasons You Should Outsource Your Marketing

Even More Reasons You Should Outsource Your Marketing

By now, you’ve probably heard the most convincing reasons to outsource your marketing efforts. It doesn’t matter how you cut it — third-party marketing agencies are more affordable marketing solutions that can offer a better return on investment than in-house teams. Plus, marketing firms can afford to hire the most knowledgeable and skilled marketing professionals who will remain up-to-date on ever-shifting marketing trends and techniques.

All this means you are much more likely to gain greater marketing efficiency by outsourcing than you would by keeping marketing professionals on staff. However, plenty of SMB leaders remain unconvinced — “outsourcing” can seem like a threatening word — and need more persuasion to understand just how beneficial outsourced marketing can be. If you are still debating between outsourced or in-house marketing, read on.

You Jumpstart Your Marketing Immediately

Assembling the right team of in-house marketing professionals takes time — time that your business might not have to waste. You should expect to devote at least a month to recruitment alone, which consists of developing a job advertising, screening applicants and interviewing candidates — and that’s a month per team member. After that, it takes between three and six months (or as much as a year) for onboarding, which entails integrating the new hire into the corporate culture, gaining experience with tools and processes and setting responsibilities for each worker. From there, your marketing team can start developing a campaign for your business.

Conversely, if you outsource your marketing, you immediately gain access to not just a small team but an entire company devoted to achieving your unique marketing goals. From day one, you can work with experienced experts to develop a high-powered marketing strategy.

Your Marketing Scales With Your Business

An in-house team will grow as your business grows — but only if you take the time and make the effort to grow it. As you should already know, marketing professionals don’t come cheap. Marketing managers demand salaries between $50,000 and $70,000, and junior marketing associates usually take home between $35,000 and $45,000 in annual wages. Once you hire new staff, you need to train them, which takes more time and costs more money. Scaling is an expensive endeavor…

…unless you outsource. Again, marketing firms have established teams that tend to be much larger than your SMB requires. Even as your business grows and your marketing needs expand, your marketing partner will be able to scale with you seamlessly and effortlessly.

You Gain Fresh Eyes on Your Work

Over time, people become comfortable and complacent in their everyday activities, and they stop pushing for bigger, brighter and

better ideas. You can see this in departments like sales and customer service, and you definitely see it in marketing. Unfortunately, marketing requires near-constant innovation; your audience wi

ll grow bored with certain tactics, and you need to keep them engaged by using the latest and greatest marketing trends. If your in-house team lacks a fresh perspective, you have a serious problem — you can’t replace them, so you have to make do.

Marketing firms make money by offering cutting-edge marketing techniques, and most professionals are paid well to keep an eye on emerging trends to apply to clients’ campaigns. However, perhaps more useful is the outside perspective that a third-party marketing team offers. Like your audience, they are familiar with your business, but they don’t know it as deeply as you and your staff do. Thus, they can craft an effective campaign that makes sense to outsiders, and they can do so again and again.

You Have Access to the Best Tech

You are severely limited in what kinds of tools you can offer your in-house marketing team. For one, you probably don’t know what marketing tools are available — and while a quick Google search on the topic might point you toward a few options, you aren’t likely to find the tech that industry professionals actually use. Plus, marketing software is expensive, and the more tools you offer, the higher your costs climb. Most often, in-house teams are expected to make do with one or two programs.

Meanwhile, it isn’t uncommon for marketing companies to develop their own marketing tools, which meet their needs and their clients’ needs exactly. It is expensive to design and create such bespoke software, but tools like this are certain to offer the best possible functionality, increasing productivity and ensuring quality service.

If, after learning all the benefits of using outsourced marketing services, you still want an in-house marketing team, you have the power to make that choice. However, you should remember that outsourcing isn’t inherently bad, and it can often save you immensely in time, energy and money.


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