7 Web Design Principles to Help You Double Your Conversion Rates

People’s attention online is always easy to sway. Many are focused on one’s advertisement that will take their attention away. This is a good opening that you need to utilize on your website. You need to incorporate a good element in your site that will take the attention of your users online. Here is where an excellent web design does its work.
Excellent web design creates a significant effect in getting higher conversions on your website. Once you have caught their attention, it will be easier for you to do other things that will convert them as your customers and subscribers.
In this article, we will show you seven different principles you can use in your web design to help with your conversion rates. These points will effectively influence your business’ conversion rates.

1. Keep it Simple

You always need to keep your site simple, in all aspects of it. Simplicity and minimalism are both doing a significant influence in your conversion rate. Simple designs are more usually seen as a more aesthetically pleasing design than other designs. A clean and organized design and minimal distractions will do the work for you.
You need to give your user’s eyes resting time. Pace all the information you will provide to them in designing and not giving it all on one part of the site. Users do not want a narrow section of the page with a lot of content and information on it. Show only the important ones to your site and base the design on it.

2. Add Call-to-Action

Your call-to-action button is essential for your site since it creates an interaction between you and your audience. Your job is to make it very clear and enticing in the first look. Also, it should stand out in the overall design for your users to quickly look at the button.
You can make it stand out by considering the position and the color of the call-to-action button. Ensure that the position of the button is not hindering any information or not overpowered by any content of the site. Put it in a place where it is easy to see. Also, the color should make it stand out more in the design. Pick a different color besides the background color and the primary color of your design.

3. Color Matters

Color is one of the main elements that people look at your website since it plays a vital role on the visual impression of your site. It conveys the message of your brand’s image and values.

According to Kenneth Sytian, a web designer in the Philippines, “You need to pick the right color that you will use on your site. Every color has its meaning depending on the different audiences you may have. Color meanings depend on the audience you are catering since every demographic has a different understanding of colors.”

Ensure to get this information to create an effective design for your site. Also, for the color scheme, pick the right colors that will effectively send the message you want to communicate to your audiences.

4. Utilize Negative Space

Negative space or white space is all the spaces that are empty in your site. All of those spaces are important to consider in designing for your site because all readers want breathing space. As we said earlier, we all need a simple design, which means a less busy site with less information that will soothe the readers’ eyes.

Negative space serves as a help for all of the information on your positive area that is going to be absorbed by your readers. Giving them space to rest, instead of having a page bombarded with information, will let them read everything on your page which will lead to increased conversions to your business.

5. Make it Responsive

Most users are accessing through their mobile devices now, lowering the users of personal computers and laptops. Mobile device users are increasing and increasing as time passes by. This shows that it is essential for you to make your website fit for different mobile devices, or in simpler words, making it mobile responsive.

Mobile responsiveness is a feature that lets the website adjust to any size of a mobile screen, making it readable and viewable to any mobile device available. It can give better user experience for your audience because it can connect to many groups of people with different mobile devices, which will lead to higher conversion rates.

6. Use Analytics Tools

Analytics is essential information to look at in designing your site. This is a report that needs to be monitored now and then to see if your design is useful to your target audience. You would easily understand what features are hindering your conversion rate to be higher. Every design tweak will become useless if it does not live up to your expectations, so it is essential to look at your website’s analytics every once in a while. If you achieved the right design that gives a favorable report in your analytics, expect a rise in your conversion rates.

7. Incorporate 8-Second Rule

Lastly, there is a web design rule that says there is only more or less eight seconds to grab your visitor’s attention to your site. This claim is based on the human attention span. Eight seconds might be very short, so you need to make every second count. In the first seconds, they are in; you need to at least engage with them.
You may start with a big banner or a headline that is straight to the point. Excellent and high-quality images and other visual contents are also doing its part in capturing the attention of your users. Make your words and copies strong and enticing enough for your audience. What is important is that you need to create a compelling and significant impression on the first seconds they are in your site to catch their attention and convert them to customers.

These seven principles we have given to you should be incorporated in your website. Once you have included these, you can start waiting for the results, and you will not be disappointed. SEO in 2022, is only going to be that much more important for success and all of these will have a significant influence on your conversion rates. Expect to double in the size of your conversion rates!

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